POW package loaded
Note: Choose the correct denomination, if you choose the wrong card you will lose it.
Conversion rate:
100 POW
10.000 Gold
200 POW
20.000 Gold
500 POW
50.000 Gold
1000 POW
100.000 Gold
2000 POW
200.000 Gold
5000 POW
500.000 Gold
10000 POW
1.000.000 Gold
20000 POW
2.000.000 Gold
50000 POW
5.000.000 Gold
Topup Pow via scratch card
* If you deposit POW by ATM or Momo will be added (+ 20%).
Note: Choose the correct denomination, if you choose the wrong card you will lose it.
Conversion rate:
10.000 VNĐ
80 POW
50.000 VNĐ
400 POW
100.000 VNĐ
800 POW
200.000 VNĐ
1600 POW
300.000 VNĐ
2400 POW
500.000 VNĐ
4000 POW
1.000.000 VNĐ
8000 POW
2.000.000 VNĐ
16000 POW
5.000.000 VNĐ
40000 POW
10.000.000 VNĐ
80000 POW